What is Reiki Energy Healing?

Reiki promotes healing of not only the physical body but also provides a sense of harmony, relaxation, and peace which brings the physical and emotional body into balance!

Reiki covers all organs, glands, and the main energy centers known as Chakras. Each chakra represents specific emotions and physical parts of the body. 

The basic chakras include:

  1. Crown-top of the head. (State of higher consciousness) Color-purple

  2. Third Eye-forehead right between the eyes (Intuition, imagination) Color-Indigo

  3. Throat- speaking your truth,communication. Color-Blue

  4. Heart-Flow of emotions, love. Color-Green

  5. Solar Plexus-above the belly button (Confidence, control, self esteem) Color-Yellow

  6. Sacral-below the belly button (sexual desires, intimacy, creativity) Color-Orange

  7. Root-around the hips and tailbone area. (foundation, stability,security, safety) Color-Red

This is just a very brief description of the chakra system.  If any of these systems are blocked then it can cause both physical and emotional issues.  This is where the Reiki energy comes in to help release any blockages and bring the body back into balance. 

How does Reiki Energy work? 

Reiki can be done in person, from a distance, on an individual or a group of people. 

The energy comes from the universe and I am just a conduit of the energy sending it to you.

I set the intention to the specific areas of concern a person has told me about during the assessment. As an empath I am also able to physically feel and see specific blockages in your energy.

How does Distance Reiki work?

I will talk to the person either by phone or face time/zoom and I am able to connect to their energy with their permission.

Having a picture of someone can also work.

Remember Reiki is just energy so it is just as effective to do it distance as it is in person because the energy flows through the quantum field.

You are in the comfort of your own home and therefore more relaxed!

Once I feel the energy flowing through me, I energetically connect with you by connecting with your higher self, scanning your chakras, and then focusing in on the specific healing you requested, and any other areas of need that have been intuitively shown to me.

I use 2nd and 3rd degree Reiki symbols and set my intention for complete healing to direct, focus, and empower your session.

Intuitive Readings & Reiki Services

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Energy Transformation Package

This includes 5 sessions of 1 hour each to be completed every 1-2 weeks either in person or virtual.

I help people that have physical and emotional pain that have not seen results from traditional medicine or therapy!

This also helps if you are feeling stuck, anxious, depressed, fatigue, and just not sure why you feel this way.

I have felt this way as I was in a job as a Clinical Therapist for 23 years that just drained my energy. It was to the point that I was physically ill and off of work for over a year!

I am able to physically feel and see any blockages in the Chakra areas in combination with my guidance from spirit. I also utilize crystals and essential oils to amplify the healing process.

This package allows for consistency to work on the skills I will be teaching you. Also, to maintain your improved physical health and overall mind, body, soul balance.

This package includes:

We will work on aligning your chakras by clearing out unwanted negative energy blocks. You are supported by me and your Spirit guides. I will make sure that every week we are continuing to clear out your chakras, releasing stagnant energy, limited beliefs, old patterns, and trauma. So, that you can realign, balance, and get grounded! Once we have done this we will discuss the path you want to embark on to call in your successful desired goals!

Are you ready to take your health back on all levels and transform into the powerful amazing person you already have locked inside of you?




I help healers of all types, empaths, and coaches by using a holistic non-traditional counseling approach to releasing limited beliefs and stagnant energy so that you can up level and keep your energy vibrating high!

Are you feeling held back because of fears, limited beliefs, lack of confidence, past trauma, and overwhelm in your career, love, relationships, and happiness?

I channel with your spirit guides and archangels to give you insight and guidance into what needs to be cleared and released so that you can move forward.

Some of the tools I might use include:

Tarot/oracle cards, Channeled messages, Soul retrieval, Akashic records, Shamanic Journeying, Mindfulness Techniques, Business Guidance, and Intuitive Development. 

*If you have a preference for any of of these you can request what service you would like. I can also make a recommendation based on your current situation.

To be done in person or virtual.


I had the wonderful opportunity to experience a Reiki session with Michelle. I immediately sensed her warmth, presence, kindness,and compassion. During the session, I experienced internal peace, quiet, and a restful calm. Following the session, I was very pleased to notice a decrease in particular physical symptoms that had been bothering me.
— Judy Freed
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Distance Reiki Session

This is not face to face but is just as effective.

Who does this help?

It is for people having physical pain such as chronic headaches, back/neck pain, arthritis, and more. This often leads to anxiety and depression which is also treated using Reiki.

You just need to be in a quiet comfortable setting in your home or other preferred location.

I will talk to you before the session to assess what your needs are and explain the process.

After the healing session there will be an intuitive reading portion discussing what messages and guidance came through. I will use tarot/oracle cards as well. Also, I will let you know what Chakras were blocked and discuss various mindfulness techniques, grounding exercises, manifestations, and meditations.

I will talk to you over the phone, text, messenger, or zoom.

The ability to have a Distance Reiki and Intuitive Counseling session is a wonderful convenience. Michelle will help you get back on your way to a more positive emotional existence and physical well being.
— Kathryn Lauer
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Usui Holy Fire Reiki Levels 1-3


Reiki Level 1 is about the history of Reiki, self

healing, and hand positions.

Reiki level 2 is learning the 3 activation symbols to start utilizing Reiki on others including Distance Reiki!

**Levels 1 & 2 will be split up in 2 days over a 2-3 week time frame. These can be done in person or over zoom. I will be sending materials once you register.

✨Please email peacefuldreamshealing@gmail.com to schedule specific days.

You will receive an attunement and a certificate of completion.

 Schedule your Reiki session: